This fine machine is back on the market, now with synthetic vision, a real annual inspection, Flightsteam 510, new fuel cell, full optioned color JPI in the box, etc.
She continues to be fantastic transportation. I flew it 1,850 nm in one day last month in stretched out and reclined comfort. Home for a late dinner. All on 24-28 GPH and no worries about turbos, wastegates, exhaust system issues, not having enough room and all the compromises I’ve dealt with on other planes in its class. I suppose if you’re reading this, you already know many great things about the 500 series.

But with the mother of all Shrike projects getting closer to completion, and a -10 powered 840 in the barn as well, I think the time is close to sell the 500B so I can enjoy the Shrike I’ve been waiting on for 2 years ....

Bruce Byerly