After 9 months working on an annual, most of the time searching for parts, my 560A is flying again. 15 hours after annual, I had a complete hydraulic failure. Gear dropped and locked nicely but no flaps or brakes made for a challenging landing. Hydraulic tank was full at departure but bone dry 2 hours later. I have been putting the gear selector switch to neutral, which appears to stop the pump from running, but this time I did not and although there are no signs of leaks, certainly the fluid pumped overboard. There are no proxy switches on the gear up side, and only the squat switch on the gear knuckle which activates the gear down lights. Do I have a defective hydraulic component that would turn the pump off when gear is up, or is it a common practice to have to put the gear handle to neutral to stop the pump from running like the old Cessna 210's of the 1960's? Thx. Sparks Stiles, St. Petersburg, Fl.