I guess I can post about it, since it's on the Twin Commander website now...
It's pretty nice, I have to admit. Compared with the AP-106, at least as mine was configured, it has some real advantages, especially in the vertical modes. The big one is altitude preselect, which my AP-106 didn't have. The 3100 also has a very nice vertical speed mode, which works off the bug on the G-600 vertical speed, so it's very easy to control.
It does require some slightly different thinking than I'm used to. It always wants to capture whatever altitude is set on the G-600... I'm used to autopilots where you have to choose an "Altitude Select" mode or something like that, but the 3100 just always wants to level off at the selected altitude by default. Nothing wrong with that at all, just takes a bit of getting used to.
The lateral modes are pretty much the same as any other autopilot. Unlike the analog AP-106, it doesn't need a "GPSS Steer" mode, so you can choose HDG or NAV just like in the old days. It also has a half bank mode, which I always find to be a nice thing.
It gives me some nice redundancy. The 3100 has it's own AHRS built into it, so if the AHRS for the G-600 fails, the 3100 will still fly the airplane. Alternatively, if the 3100's AHRS fails, it will use the G-600 AHRS.
The next update to the 3100 will include VNAV coupling, which will be nice. Although, since the GTN-750 generates a vertical speed bug for the required vertical speed to make the crossing, all you have to do now is put the autopilot's VS bug on top of that and you'll get there at the right time.
Apparently they resolved the yaw damper issues of the 2100, and also provide better integration with the G-600. The 3100 reads the selected altitude straight from the G-600.
My AP-106 had two annoying glitches, both of which seem to be pretty common to other AP-106s that I've flown. Mine always crept up 100 feet in cruise, and at low com frequencies, it would pitch down when you keyed the mic. The good news is that the 3100 eliminates both of these glitches, so that is nice.
All in all, I'm quite happy with it.