Well, bye bye sweet N171AT. Sold. Dropped her off in San Bernardino this afternoon. New owner is enroute to Florida as we speak. He has Stan's Perkins 681 since prior, so is well versed in the model.
We had a little hiccup with fuel leaking out all over tarmac upon fillup before delivery, just before closing of contract (of course). I was frustrated beyond belief and feared the worst, a ruptured bladder (which would scupper sale for sure). But luckily, new owner is an A&P IA and after opening up some panels on top of wing, we concluded it was fuel line to engine that was leaking. A day later new one was in, I fired her up this afternoon and flew the short trip to KSBD without problems.
But wait - I seem to have picked up
another Ted Smith thingy on the way back? Can't shake Ted!

I'll still offer moral support here!