We did our training with Jean-Luc this week and had a great experience. He is deeply knowledgeable about the airframe (he owns a 690B) and provided thorough training using an insurance-approved curriculum provided by Aviation Training Management (David Garvey).
This was my initial training. Before we went flying, Jean-Luc wanted to show us how when the Fuel/Hydraulic Shutoff switch was manipulated, we could see the arm on the hydraulic shutoff valves in the left gear well move from open to closed and back again. I turned the shutoff switch while the other pilot watched the valves, then we switched spots.
Next, we spent a full day draining 384 gallons of fuel from the airplane, accessing the fuel shutoff valves (inconveniently located in a sealed compartment under the center fuel tank in the baggage compartment), purging air from the fuel lines, attempting start after start, unable to get the left engine past about 50% RPM.
It turns out, that when I initially turned the shutoff switch I turned it the wrong direction without realizing it (the directional arrow placard is missing). The knob rotated on the post 180 degrees so that it indicated "on" when in the "off" position and vice versa. There is no flat spot or hole on the post to hold the knob in place. Once we realized this, our problem was solved by realigning the knob and tightening the allen screws.
Fun fact, the TPE331 will start with a closed fuel shutoff valve but won't go much above 50% RPM. I hope this info is helpful to someone else. It was a good learning experience for us all.
I replied to Rob with Jean-Luc's contact info.